vegetarian socialite

def.: A vegetarian who spends a significant amount of time socializing, entertaining and being entertained at fashionable venues.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

I'm the reason your girlfriend likes tofu.

My posts are probably way too cynical.  You probably all have great friends who respect your dietary decisions and encourage your healthy lifestyle.  I don't.  My friends are jerks.  I get ridiculed at every turn.  When we are out to eat, they make a point of ordering as much meat as possible.  Then, they tell me how good every bite is.

I can deal with that.  It might have been difficult at first, but now I just laugh it off and strike back when I can.  What I can't deal with is when they question my hetero-credentials.  Now, for all of the non-hetero readers out there, don't take any offense.  I'm okay with whatever floats your banana boat.  But, the assumption that all vegetarian men are playing for the other team are far from accurate.  In fact, vegetarianism exemplifies many characteristics that females look for in men, such as:

  1. Healthy Living:  Every woman wants a man who cares about his body (because she cares about his body).
  2. Self-Discipline:  One of the biggest complaints women make about men is that they lack control and discipline.  You must have discipline if you can stop eating meat. (hahaha)
  3. Sensitivity:  Vegetarians are characterized as having a lot of concern for the environment and animal-welfare.  Women tend to love that stuff. Yay!
  4. Trendiness:  Vegetarianism is often looked at as a subculture.  Subcultures are a rebellion against the norm, and rebellion is cool.  Women look at vegetarian men as a different kind of bad boy.
So, please, if you are a man and are interested in vegetarianism, don't let your guy friends peer-pressure you not to.  Just give it a shot and take their girlfriends. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm... I hope you don't take offense, but I thought a woman was writing Vegetarian Socialite this whole time. Guess I should have paid more attention. It wasn't because you were a vegetarian because I think there are a lot of men who are, but rather that you used the word "socialite." It's a feminine type word, at least in my opinion. That's neither here, nor there though. I'm writing mostly because I believe you can tell your friends that when you all reach 40, you will be the one who looks fabulous while they will be looking fat and dumpy from eating all that disgusting meat. Just sayin.
