vegetarian socialite

def.: A vegetarian who spends a significant amount of time socializing, entertaining and being entertained at fashionable venues.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Unhealthy Vegetarians

I've known some fat, unhealthy vegetarians.  Now, I'm not at my physical peek, but I'm relatively healthy.  There are some goofballs out there that think that you can't be healthy if you don't eat meat.  That's stupid.  But, most people tend to think that it is hard for a vegetarian to be unhealthy.  That's not quite stupid, but it is very wrong.

I used to be like most people in the world.  I used to spend my days dragging my knuckles on the ground, eating slabs of charred dead animals and driving around in my Hummer looking for small animals to run over.  My gut hung way over my belt line (I wasn't even wearing a belt) and I couldn't remember the last time I bathed.  Then, I became a vegetarian.  NOTHING CHANGED.

I wondered, "how can I still be a grotesque, loathsome beast when I don't even eat carcass anymore?"  The answer, of course, is that meat isn't the only thing that keeps a person from discovering their inner supermodel.  I realized that you not only have to stop eating unhealthy foods, but you must begin to eat healthy foods.  Once I figured out that balance was key, I shed hundreds of unwanted pounds, grew thick, beautiful hair only where I wanted it, and began emitting a pleasant scent, at will.

Some of the facts of my metamorphosis may be a little off, as it has been so long and my memory is hazy, but you get the point.  Avoiding empty calories and eating lots of fruits and vegetables is the obvious, and most often ignored, path to good health.  The best way to eat the right balance is to eat a variety of colors every day.  Here is a link to a good article about the colors of fruits and vegetables, and their health benefits (ignore the fleshy meal suggestions):

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