vegetarian socialite

def.: A vegetarian who spends a significant amount of time socializing, entertaining and being entertained at fashionable venues.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Vegetarian Socialite

Somewhere out there, there are vegetarians living in a campground, growing their own food, playing drums and weaving straw hats.

Then, there's me.  I am not a hippie.  I do like to camp and hike from time to time, but, I work in an office, drive a lot, play sports, go to clubs and eat in every restaurant with the decency to provide at least one meat-free dish.  I eat cheese, as I am addicted to pizza, and I eat cookies that I know (somewhere in my hidden subconscious) were made with eggs.  I won't eat any flesh, but most of my friends and family do...and I'm okay with that.

This blog is for those vegetarians who have chosen not to rage against the machine.  It is for those who just want to peacefully coexist with the majority, without compromising our own standards.  I will post about dishes, good and bad, that I've had at popular restaurants.  I will offer quick meal suggestions and make recommendations of all types for vegetarians on the go.

I hope that others will do the same.

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