vegetarian socialite

def.: A vegetarian who spends a significant amount of time socializing, entertaining and being entertained at fashionable venues.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Attack of the Vegans!!!!

So, some of you may find this blog through my posting on vegan or vegetarian message boards on  Well, I made a BIG mistake...I posted a link to my story about supporting meaty restaurants that offer vegetarian selections, such as Applebees, on the vegan forum, rather than the vegetarian forum.

Ohhh, boy!  You see what I always say about hippies?!!! I have spent the past two weeks being verbally assaulted.  Now, being the culinary deviant that I am, I am decidedly thick-skinned and take the insults with a grain of salt (Fairtrade certified sea salt, of course).

But, I do want to use this as an opportunity to point out something that I often point out.  The meat-eating world and the non-meat-eating world often clash because of extremism.  If you want to rage against the food machine, that is your prerogative, but I don't.  I have a job and friends and family who don't all espouse my dietary philosophy.  I choose to coexist with them and apply the peace-loving hippie mentality when it really counts and when it requires some effort on my part.

I suggest you all do the same.  The paradigm is shifting.

1 comment:

  1. haha! I agree! I am a vegan. I have a blog called "Vegan in Charleston" ( :) It showcases restuarants that offer veg options like you said. I allowed a guest poster to talk about one. She had a VEGETARIAN option, and I stated that it was vegetarian and could be made vegan. Man, the crazy vegans attacked...It was ridiculous. You should be a joyful vegan or vegetarian, not a bitter out to get everyone vegan! :) Right?
